Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


A quick detour to Amber Hiscott's Quatrefoil for Delius before taking in the Lego Batman movie. The sculpture looks much more colourful in the sunshine but is still a fine shape on a gloomy lunchtime. It's more than five years since I last blipped it, so It's been overdue a return. There is a bonus game of spot the 9yo for you.

The movie was fun and clever in the way that you hope such movies will be. 9yo had never seen anything of Batman before, but loved it. 12yo is a little more culture savvy and enjoyed spotting all of the franchise crossover and product placement moments, including a surprise contribution from our own shores. And of course there are the Lego moments, that show this isn't just some corporate mash-up but is indeed written in part for the appreciation of people that have spent hundreds of hours clicking the bricks.

The kids are now back with their Mum, I think I'll leave the anticipated backlog of work e-mails for the morning though.

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