Tiny Tuesday

Had a session this morning with a friend who wants to learn English. She is trying to do it online but needs help with the pronunciation. She printed out a list of vocabulary but it is really advanced so I think we will try from basics. Not sure if I am much of a teacher but I am using strategies that I used to learn German and the smattering of Arabic that I learnt to communicate with my patients in Saudi Arabia.
This afternoon was the hairdresser, which was way overdue, so came out feeling preened and relaxed. 
I couldn't get motivated for Tiny Tuesday from photos on the internet tonight so tried some random subjects like a flower, water drops on leaves, a tiny tomato and this leftover chocolate. I liked the way the light interacted with the texture in the wrapper and the fluting in little paper cup.
Thanks to wrperry for hosting
Oh, and Skeena for the Mono Monthly Challenge

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