Winter Butterflies…

iMigration 2 by Anthony Head, Bath Abbey

“…is a large-scale sculpture, a swarm of colourful paper butterflies, spanning five metres and suspended ten metres up in the air in the Abbey’s South Transept…

The artist, Anthony Head, explains: “iMigration 2 explores the themes of migration, diversity and individuality. In the swarm, each butterfly is unique, created with a variety of technologies and featuring colour and patterns designed using computer coding, influenced by the mathematics of nature. The butterflies will move gently in the air currents that fill the Abbey as if travelling on a migration.

“In today’s world of human migration and its reporting, it’s easy to forget how unique each person is, to reduce people to anonymous groups, stereotypes, or just numbers. My hope is that once the viewer has had a chance to enjoy looking at the swarm of butterflies as a whole, they will be drawn to look closer at each one. The artwork is a provocation to not be satisfied by our world saturated by ‘mass’ media reporting, statistics and the digital consumption of news. It asks you to seek and listen to individual stories by human beings who are affected by migration. Hence iMigration.”

Headed into Bath on a windy morning to meet up with a friend to see La La Land, but when we got to the cinema, for some unknown reason my 2-for-1 voucher wouldn’t work! So after deciding we’d try again next week, we moved on to the art gallery instead to see a new photographic exhibition, only to discover that the exhibition didn’t open until Saturday!! At this point we were ready to give up on our morning out, especially as the rain had arrived to accompany the wind, but as a last ditch attempt at rescuing the outing we headed to the Abbey for shelter, and to sit for a while and admire these beautiful butterflies…

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