Oooooops .....

The Shropshire Union Canal at Adderley has sprung a bit of a leak and there were major works being carried out to rectify the situation by the Canal & Rivers Authority.   The Farmer's field adjacent to the canal is well and truly flooded but the lovely white Farmhouse at the end of the road has got away with it this time.  Apparently, the last time this part of the canal breached the water ran down the road and was up to the tops of the Farmhouse's downstairs' windows.

The purpose of our walk down this stretch of the Canal today was to take 'Dotty' and Tess' for a bit of a stretch and run for J, who is housebound at the moment caring for her husband R. Dotty and Tess were good girls and not the least bit phased by the muddy towpath which Mr T and I were dangerously slipping and sliding on.

Tess is in an Extra hoping that one of us will throw a ball or sticks for her, even in such treacherous conditions!!

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