A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Enjoying some blue sky on the way to a flat viewing this morning.

I think the flat itself is going to be a no-go but it was good to at least have looked at something. It was nice to have a little half day of leave, too. As short as it was the time I was at work felt quite productive. I think something or other has come up so I haven't yet been given the tasks I was expecting but something else has restarted so at least I'm kept out of trouble :)

I've been preparing for a presentation that I'm giving in a couple of weeks, largely reflecting back on my PhD experience. I still sometimes marvel that having done a PhD is something that's now part of my story, so it is nice to spend time thinking through all that it has meant. One of the benefits of blip is being able to read back on pre-PhD me and realising how different she seems to who I am now. There is much that is the same (cake cake cake!) and I have a lot of growing still to do, but I hope I have done more learning than just academic these past 3/4 years.

And of course, Growth Group this evening - what a joy to spend time with people who can tell their own stories of battles won and growth through trials.

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