Breast is Best

My work here is done...

To protect the anonymity of both Mom and Baby I will only share a discreet image of this sacred time of bonding and breast feeding, I've posted blips of what I've been up to on my time off over the last 10 days but, these treasures are my real reason for being in the big city and I'm delighted that this brand new family no longer need my help, so tomorrow, I will take the journey back home to Country roads, fresh air and my coal fire. 

It would have been a rare treat to meet up with the Blipping Bobs but  sadly I'm starting with a cold, feeling a bit shattered and my stay has been longer than anticipated, so a drop in at Aylesbury en route home isn't on the cards this time. 

The extra is Danelo from Brazil - he trimmed my hair for me last night. 

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