
By scribbler

Inspiration for deTrumpification

Protesters visiting their Senators and Representatives at their offices in Honolulu.

That's my friend Renee in the Hawaiian shirt. She is also the fabricator (but not like Trump) of several of the pussyhats. $15 each, with $10 of it going to Planned Parenthood.

These protesters are meeting every week to keep stirring the pot, setting out their demands and reminding their elected officials that they may not be supported in the primaries if they fail to fight the good fight.

Renee is an inspiration to me. She doesn't just talk the talk. Right after she sent me this photo I phoned my Oregon Senators and my Congresswoman urging them to keep the pressure on our horrible (his word) Commander-in-Tweet. Senators Merkley and Wyden are doing a great job, but I'm sure they're encouraged when people phone and write.

Scribbler selfie, modeling pussyhat by Renee
Renee selfie, in the latest model pussyhat

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