Yet another shot of my Daffs...

..Yes. I know. But it's cold and wet outside, and I've got work tonight. My house is warm and cosy and I don't want to stray too far from it until I have to!

I'm in a proper can't be arsed mood at the moment. There are so many things I know I need to be cracking on with but I feel almost like I'm sleepwalking, and the mountain of tasks will wait until I wake up.

Of course by then there will be even more to do, and I will be annoyed for not making myself get on with it all sooner. It's not as though they are all small jobs that can be done in five minutes. No, some are massive, time consuming, labour intensive mountains. And I think that's the problem - they are such daunting prospects that I just can't start them as I fear I will disappear under them. 

I feel like the things I'm already in the middle of are enough - like job hunting, and running around for my parents, and my current job that may or may not be done with at the end of March, but until then will be full-on as so many staff have moved on already...

I'll see how I feel on Monday and think about starting one or two things then...maybe...

AAAAND...I even posted the wrong shot, didn't I? I put the same one as the other day again, instead of the one I took today! I have at least been back and rectified that. I'm surprised it let me do that at all!

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