The day started off promising with blue skies and sunshine. We arranged a wheelchair taxi to take us and Dad to see Jeanie in the care home. dad coped with the journey and was so pleased to see her, sadly she was not having a sunny day and would not really acknowledge him. He tried really hard to keep up the chat and spark memories etc, but she was having none of it. Dementia is so hard on everyone. At least he got to see that the home is amazing and the staff are all kind and caring and she looks well cared for. And he has no illusions how hard it would be if she were at home. We all had a little cry when we left. Then home again in wheelchair taxi to try to sort out his banking. The bank had stopped his account as we tried to pay the care home fees. After waiting for an hour on the phone, they would not unblock his account unless we take him to a branch. So Keith stayed the night with me so another wheelchair taxi will be needed tomorrow.

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