Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

The Perfect Ending

Today's forecast called for temperatures soaring into the 90's. Definitely not my weather. Not at all!

The kids had received some awesome offers for Darien Lake Theme Park for bringing along friends. So, they made plans to meet some folks so we could spend the day at the park.

As the day dawned, there was a wind blowing that was so incredible. It wasn't a howling, crazy wind, but rather, a gentle, cooling breeze. And it was nearly constant.

We loaded up the truck and left the house early. We met with the others and began our day at the park. I love walking and we walked a great deal today. I was a bit concerned about my foot, so I wore sneakers this morning. When we went out for a bite of lunch mid afternoon, I changed into fliplops. Remarkably, my foot never bothered me the entire day!

The kids rode so many rides and went to the waterpark.....It was a good and long day and everyone was exhausted, but in a good way, by the time we left. We stood and talked in the parking lot before leaving the park, and the sunset just got better and better as time went on.

What a beautiful way to end a perfect day! Had it not been for that breeze the entire day, it would have been uncomfortable. But, the really good news is it never made it to 90 degrees!

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