Assassin on Water

Why would the robber fly (assassin fly) be floating on the hedgehog’s water bowl? Was he hot? Thirsty? Or was he trying to dislodge the bright yellow mite that has been bugging him lately?

I maintain the big shallow bowl on the lawn, low enough for hedgehogs, but available to all comers. Yesterday a small hedgehog came for a drink in broad daylight. Many of the birds that live in my garden drink from it. Blackbirds bathe in it. I have seen blackbird parents supervising their offspring taking turns in the water. Her Ladyship used to enjoy a drink from the bowl. Mmmm, blackbird tea.

EDIT:  Later the wee hedgehog came back while the sun was still shining. See extra. It likes to climb into the bowl to drink.

Many thanks to all the kind people who took my fly to the third place on the Popular page yesterday. I’m thrilled!

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