Coming up empty

Don't worry, Ted with the Tail didn't have to wait long for a refill. He's very tame, perhaps a relative of my dear old Nelson. It's easy to recognize him, he has had some tail damage and the fur has come back in a distinctly recognizable pattern. I look forward to having some fun with him when we don't have to have the glass door between us.

The chipmunks are out as well, it's supposed to get colder this weekend, but they seem to be fully awake and in the swing of spring.

We didn't watch the speech last night, but did watch the after discussions. This quote from an online newsfeed was my favorite,

But don't forget: Trump has proven to be a recidivist in the past. One close Trump-watcher warned us that last night's Reaganesque statesman is the same man: "He is a performer and his director(s) told him he is playing a different character tonight. It worked."

For the record,
This day came in warm with on and off drizzle.

All hands wary, especially about the ACA, immigration the EPA, regulatory agencies and on and on.

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