Windy Wednesday

A week ago I mentioned it was MrB's birthday and that Angie would be popping around in the evening with his present. Good idea as she returned with a large tub of MrsB's home made Venison Goulash with the main ingredient procured by MrB.

And delicious it was too, even Angie stealing and enjoying a portion. While we both have our reservations about game, all logic says that if you are to eat meat, then wild game is amongst, if not the, most "animal welfare friendly" sources. Assuming of course it has lived free and ended it's life with a clean shot and without a stressful chase. Knowing MrB now for several years, I can personally guarantee his treatment and respect of all animals - you should hear him handling his bees and I have suffered under his sharp tongue when working with the "girls". If you can get MrsB to then cook a meal, I can highly recommend a "Mr&MrsB Diet".

Well the end of Carnival yesterday (carne vale - farewell to meat) will please my vegetarian daughter and means I need to get out some recipe books as she will arrive here while Lent is still on. I suspect a local dish, similar to Ravioli, will be on the menu. Called (EU protected geographic name) Schwäbischen Maultaschen or "Herrgottsbscheißerle“  or "small God-cheaters" as the meat is hidden in the dough.

The Blip photo is NOT related in any way whatsoever to MrB. He has the best hides and high chairs in the county and probably Bavaria and Germany. It belongs to another hunter, one of many several in the immediate area that have suffered in the last months. It didn't topple today even though there was a strong wind which nearly knocked Flash off his somewhat wobbly legs. At least it stayed dry for our walks today but tonight the rain and possibly sleet is due to arrive.

Happy fasting everyone. As I learnt today, there are now "Vegetable Crisps". However don't think these potato free types are any healthier - it's identical fat they get cooked in and the very limited increase in fibres is not going to add enough ballast to weigh down your hide.

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