
It was the end of the day and no family photos taken so we rushed outside and snapped off a few of us all....  It gets dark very early here around 6.30 and we were racing against the clock. My blip is of us all, and the extra I have chosen as little miss looks as if she loves her Nana & Grandoug.

We all were on the road by 7.30 am for a number of appointments - chiropractor (for Lexi & her Dad) Yes, no kidding !!  Then to a Medical Centres for her 18 month injections, then to the nurses (NZ equivalent of Plunket) for the weigh in, and all that goes with her 18 month  check up.

By this times it was around 11 and decided going out for a delicious brunch down on The Strand.

Swimming and packing this afternoon, as we are off home tomorrow - another big travelling day.


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