Even Better Shared

Thoroughly enjoying taking our son round our new place - here he is with his Dad in the doorway of the Adega Velha. After a lot of discussion, have decided to give up alcohol for Lent, so instead of the usual tintinho (red wine), asked for water - which was 10 centimos more! Doesn't exactly encourage abstention...

An extra of some cows wading over from an island. It was all so beautiful - the cutest new calves, sunlight on water, storks busily making nests and clacking their beaks at each other, fish leaping out of the water, the castle perched on the hill, shepherds with flocks of sheep (one talking loudly on his mobile) - and now the smell of garlic as M cooks...

PS Have swapped yesterday's photo of Paul, as he thought it was a better one - if you have time, see what you think...

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