Holy Bulls fight in front of the Temple

There was much excitement for a short while in front of the Jagannath Temple in Puri this afternoon.  Numbers of devotees were making their way down the wide street and many of them had left their shoes in their vehicles. Beggars were sitting in lines on either side of the road and amongst the throng were Holy Bulls – 15 at one count.  These were constantly butting one another and people mostly gave them a wide berth.  I wasn’t allowed in the temple so climbed the building opposite which contained a private library built in 1921 – old, filthy, glass fronted cabinets held dilapidated books which only scholars are allowed to look at.  I reached the rooftop just as two bulls really started to fight – they rushed up against my building and trampled the stalls on the pavement with the others following in excitement. A bicycle got in their way so they chased it and one another with everyone around scattering and the beggars all jumping to their feet.  After sunset I spent some while looking at wonderful sarees – the ladies here look so elegant in them but can never move at more than a snail’s pace wearing one. Thanks for all the lovely comments and stars and hearts recently – they have been so much appreciated.

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