Dexter and the Tabbycat in the Mirror

It was Caturday, and Dexter and I were playing with the water in the bathroom sink, as we do nearly every morning. I was also trying to do a little Crittergator photo shoot on the sink, featuring the Tiny Tiger and his brand new puppy. (You can sort of see that part, lower right.)

When I saw Dexter approach the mirror, I ran for my camera, and I snapped about a half-dozen shots of Dexter face-touching, then reaching out his white paws to that other handsome Tabbycat who lives in the mirror.

Finally, Dexter stood up as tall as could be, wearing big white knee-socks on his back legs, with his tail straight out for balance. Reaching out his front paws . . . stretching up, reaching . . . one last paw-touch, near the very tippy-top of the mirror.

What a BIG boy. Who's bigger? Dexter? Or that Tabbycat in the Mirror?

The soundtrack for this image has to be from the 1989 Stevie Nicks album The Other Side of the Mirror. Here is a good one, a lesser-known duet between Stevie Nicks and Bruce Hornsby (who is also a favorite): Two Kinds of Love.

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