Found too late.

The patch of ground itself has probably been there from time immemorial, but the Sainsbury's tag suggests that quite a bit has been done to it in the last 5 or so years.
When we were both "up to it" (VERY seldom) we would walk past the North Lakes Hotel, down to the A66 and along to a path at the next round about, leading, more or less home.
Had I/we investigasted this area sooner it makes a much nicer way to see off a few calories.
I set off to do our previous round trip, saw one of the entrances to what I has previously regarded as a "dog- walkery" and found that there was:-
A) Plenty scope for a wander about.
B) More likelihood of Blipfodder than along the A66.
I suspect, as Arnold once said … 
"I'll be back!" Spoilt for choice again, and Aliceless for guidance, I thought I'd use this as intro.
I saw Snowdrops, a few Crocuses, Arum leaves showing well and a a number of Hawthorn bushes in almost full leaf. Not to mention what looked like a potentially good crop of Sloes - gin for the making of.

I almost forgot  to wonder, w.r.t the extra - HOW do you get even a M/Bike down there?

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