One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Busy year

What a busy end of year it has been.
And something tells me that 2009 is not going to be a walk in the park either...
A marathon in the park more so, with double-buggies, two different sizes of nappies, a diversified range of admonishing tones, deals made and broken, treats and threats, tears and laughter, a lot of scatology, different menus for different customers, mess, loads of it, in the sitting room, the kitchen, the bedrooms and the car, especially the car, long car trips which miraculously appear to be twice as long, fights over the choice of DVDs, TV programs, toys, cuddly or not, more tears and screams, more laughter, more exhaustion and nervous tension, more fights (did I already mention more fights?), less sleep, less me-time, less you-time, less books, less exercise, less leisure, less peace and quiet, less spontaneity, less varied diet, less energy, less inspiration, less nights out, more nights in thermometer in hand, more worries, more infantile diseases, more sleepless nights, more teeth growing, more teeth falling and racketeering tooth fairies, more gender inequalities and leagues of little people against the oppressive forces of parenthood.

Less blipping.

Maybe not.

But it's going to be tough.

On top of it all, Finn seems to be a total dope. He is sucking at Dad's old tattoo in search of sustenance. And I have exceeded the two-weeks-money-back-guarantee.

It is going to be a loooooong year.

This blip is sponsored by Durex :)

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