
By Nigel

Here be Dragons!

Another piece of original art hung, this one above Jen's computer (to which she is glued nearly every available moment of the day [plus a large portion of the unavailable moments] playing Dragon of Atlantis on Facebook). I believe it came from Toronto and was made by another sad facebook gamer avid Dragon fan.

First day of nine days off saw me do an awful lot of housework and homey things, interspersed with four episodes of Forbrydelsen, to which I have become terribly addicted. In my defence I thought it was a six or seven episode thing but it turns out it is twenty episodes long. I'm up to episode ten so I don't think all the twists and turns will have been introduced yet. I'm trying very hard to pick up the pace but there is only so much TV I can do in one day before oblivion sets in.

I also started some homebrew, something I gave up with in the other flat as it was too cramped so I should have 30 pints of tasty stout (or a bucket of monkey's piss) in about 15 days time.

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