Homemade Carrot Cake

I'd like to claim this as my own creation but I'd be lying.

The her half of a couple of Dad's friends dropped it off this afternoon. When Mum died they delivered several large meals that fed our small army of family who gathered.

Their kindness has stuck with me as it will this time. It was their way of acknowledging many family and friends would drop in to wish Dad happy birthday and it would be good to have something to serve.

Today I've helped Dad at the AA with a form he needed to fill out and then at Vodafone where I needed more info to sort his phone. Both were insights into how difficult it is to do things when your hearing isn't flash.

Back home I did indeed sort his naughty phone and it is now connecting to wifi as it should. Extra meals are cooked and I whipped up a pretty decent dinner of steak with mushroom sauce, onion, roast veges and fresh beans and spinach from my garden.

While Dad had a sleep this afternoon I sneaked in more house stuff. I need to keep that ticking along.

The north of the country is locked into a moist sub-tropical flow. I haven't been down to the beach because the wind would be near onshore gale force. It was bad enough running this morning. I tackled one long gentle hill with the wind at my back. Easy. Coming back down was hard work into the wind. I thought I was going to grind to a halt.

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