Up with the lark

Went to bed at 9 last night and woke at 5.30am this morning. I did wake up a few times but slept better than the night before. However, still feel bleurgh and my throat is very sore.

As Mr C is away I am on Ruby duty (although didn't do it last night sshhh don't tell) so off we went for our morning stroll and what a lovely morning it was.... and lasted all day.

As you know Bex is moving out and Josh is chomping at the bit to move back in. But not only that Sim wants to move into Bex's room so Josh will go into his. So this afternoon I took Sim over to IKEA to buy drawers, shelves, quilt, pillows etc then on to b&q to buy paint. This move and redecorating needs to take place over the next two weeks before my parents arrive for dads 80th.. . . . No wonder I'm worn out lol.

Home, Ruby walked, showered and another early night for me.

Did take a few pics on my walk this morning but kept coming back to these crocuses and the dew sparkling in the early sunshine.

Thank you lots for dropping by and sprinkling hearts and stars on my special blip day yesterday. You really are a lovely lot ....mwah x

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