Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Cymraeg

Rydyn ni wedi cael diwrnod gwych heddiw.  Cynhaliwn 'Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Cymraeg' i helpu pobol ffeindio allan mwy am Gymraeg yn y Brifysgol.  Dw i'n meddwl y gwelon ni hanner cant o bobol dros y diwrnod, bobol sy eisiau dysgu Cymraeg a phobol gyda storiâu diddorol am sut dysgon nhw Gymraeg.  Siaradodd Yr Athro Hywel Thomas i'r grŵp a dysgon ni mwy am gynlluniau am Gymraeg yn y Brifysgol.

We've had a great day today. We held a 'Welsh Awareness Day' to help people find out more about Welsh at the University. I think we saw fifty people over the day, people who want to learn Welsh and people with interesting stories of how they learned Welsh. Professor Hywel Thomas spoke to the group and we learned more about the plans for Welsh in the University.

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