Turkey Trot!

Dear Diary,

I got this photograph of the wild turkeys trotting across the field behind my house just as the snow started.  Yes, more snow.  4-5 inches fell which isn't too bad but it is just a teaser.  A major Nor'easter is supposed to hit Tuesday through Wednesday and it is expected to dump up to 18 inches!  Sigh...a really BIG sigh. 

March is so unpredictable.  One day it is in the 50'sF and the next day it is below zero and snowing.  I am supposed to fly out on the 24th to visit my friends in Minnesota.  I hope it happens.

But, back to my turkeys.  I love how their wings standout so brightly and how each of their feet is in a different position.  They are timid souls so I can never get to close to them and they are very wary.  I will need to put out some cracked corn for them after I shovel myself out that is.

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