A Pretty Pair

Dear Diary,

I feel like I have been ignoring my birds lately with all the snow and ice photographs. This lovely pair of purple finches was just too tempting not to post this morning. This is the first time I have seen them this year. That quizzical look on the finch on the right was too cute. They do arrive back around mid-March so they are right on time as usual.

Speaking of time...we turned the clocks ahead one hour last night so now the sun won’t set until 7 pm. That will raise everyone’s spirits I’m sure. Even with all that snow, it is beginning to melt nicely. There were a lot of snowmen when I went into town yesterday, even a snow bunny! (Extra). I love how they used snowballs for the tail. It was huge, at least 8 feet long. The pink ears had come loose but it is still adorable. Good to have a sense of fun when you live in this climate!

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