Aged and Loved!

Major clean of the coop this morning and then back to the raspberry pruning! Fellow  Allotmenteer turned up briefly and I admired the crops growing on his perfect cared for plot! Would you believe his Broad Beans are flowering! We had a discussion about gooseberries and what a miserable crop I had had last year - he suggested Blood, Fish and Bone and went to get me some from his shed. Well that was immaculate too and I just loved his newly hung tools! I'd never seen a  rake like this before ( top of this photo )one he inherited with the shed. There is something about old garden tools that is just wonderful -  all the use and care they have had from gardeners long dead.
Quick dash home and shower then hairdressers. He told me all about his dysfunctional family - it still shocks me when I hear that not everyone had a happy family like me - as a child and growing up I just presumed my family was the norm - as I got older and met more people I sadly discovered it's very far from the norm.
next stop Supermarket - only really went in for bin bags but that is not all I left with! But they were decomposable and cost a £1 as no price evident and the woman on the till said that's what she would charge me! I'm always trying to reduce my use of plastic - Friends daughters have gone plastic free in everything! I'm not sure I can achieve that but I shall buy alternatives where I can and recycle what what I do buy as usual.
Next stop Locusts for Gunther - and yay! They had the baby guzzling fish I wanted plus another that does the same! My platties are just reproducing too much and it's impossible to keep the tank clean and healthy! Veg for the chickens and me from the veg shop  as I fancy a meatless roast sunday and then home.
 It had been glorious on the allotment in the morning  - blue skies and sunshine - but the mist had descended as I had left the village and now it was a white out!  So a very different scene on the allotment come late afternoon. Finally took the last of the rose cuttings and honeysuckle to the allotment - they will make a fine bonfire when they dry out! 4 eggs in the coop! They sure are happy chickens now they are free ranging! 

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