Church daffs

I remember what I did yesterday! Sorted through all the recipe cards and the ones I liked I organised in the folders according to type! The rest I gave today to Friends Youngest along with some of the unusual grains that they needed! Youngest came down in the afternoon for a drink and chat about her holiday and Milkshake. Thankfully she is not wanting to take her back - well she does but knows  it is best if she stays with me - particularly in terms of not having poor FatCat to start the adjustment all over again! 
I had spent the morning tidying - again! Those handy bowls in which odds and sods collect were overflowing so it was time to put them in the places they should have gone in the first place! I then tackled my wardrobe. I've been asked to photograph the Hafla again and to have a clothes stall. I've decided to fix price tags to each item and not budge on them! Nellie of The Woods asked that I only take unusual items and so whilst I will never make their original value I am not prepared to make a substantial loss on them! What doesn't sell I will take to the dressmakers shop in the village - nothing is being placed back in my wardrobe! 
Come evening it was back to the allotment via the church - so many lovely daffs! These were actually on the bank across the road! Once on the plot I tackled more thorny plants! This time Autumn Raspberries!  I didn't quite finish before darkness fell but it looks so much better! I was relieved to see the car that was on the track had been moved. The Midnight Gardener had got stuck in the mud and had left it there the previous night! I can't quite believe she was daft/brave enough to drive down the track - it's completely sodden with all the rain we have had and is a complete mudfest! It's precarious enough to just walk down it let alone drive! 
In other news the rats are back! Each time I go up I block up their holes! I've run out of rat bait so this will have to suffice for now! I also messaged the coop member who is still not doing what is required. She replied and it seems she is having a rough time. I suggested I do her thurs open for a while until she gets back on track - not heard back yet! Although I felt sympathetic on reflection I can't see why this means she can't clean the trays and give them mash - we are talking 5-10 mins max. So another decision made - if things don't improve and she doesn't accept my offer I will insist! 
Yikes! The bright daffs don't seem to have given me a sunny disposition! 

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