Some of the nuts have dropped

We went for a squelch in the woods this afternoon once Richard had finished doing everything he had to do for the contest he was hosting today. It was an early start and I'm pretty washed out now.

The weather was rubbish and dull all day. It's been a mirky smudge of an excuse for a day from morning to night.

We saw an energetic squirrel on the road as we were approaching the woods and as we wandered round I noticed chestnuts and hazelnuts on the path. I picked up a few and then decided to leave them for the squirrels. It's been a tough year.

Joel's been doing some school coursework today that he's had all summer to do...
I can't criticise him - I'm the same.

He will be going back to school with a deeper voice than he had in July.

There's a double entendre for you

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