Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Fun at Bottom Smackington

Ashleigh had a better night last night -thankfully!
We all had a lovely lazy Sunday morning. Peach took the girls downstairs at 7am for some Sunday Morning Cinema Club; watching a DVD with all the curtains closed, staying in pyjama's and having breakfast down from the table. The girls loved it. Ashleigh & I got up at 7.45am :o)
My Mum and step-dad invited us to a country fayre in a village where their friends lived. The village is called Sutton Bonnington, but in typical Mum & Pete style they have renamed the village Bottom Smackington. We took some friends with us and all had a wonderful afternoon!
DM had a go at Archery, she had 6 attempts and managed to get two arrows on the target :o)
The girls got to stroke a cow, see some birds of prey, watch some jousting and have a go on a couple of fairground rides.
I'm really cheeky when it comes to fairground rides now. I'll get the girls on the ride and then when paying, I ask for a group discount ;o) it worked today, instead of paying for 5, we paid for 4 :oD
We had a lovely day and spent some wonderful quality time with some fantastic friends. Our girls all get on really well and are crazy about each other. It's wonderful to watch them play and care for each other. Ruby has an element of silliness about her when she is with her friends. She gets extremely excited and becomes daft. It's lovely to watch her.
The two daddies are like peas in a pod and very often have their own language....... Well, the words they use are English but we pretend not to listen as we don't want to encourage them ;o)
The two mummies are also very alike; we gossip well, multi-task well and are very good at containing the gaggle of girlies :o)
We finished our day at an OK Diner and had some delicious food. It does make me smile when we all arrive at a restaurant; so many times we get there and are greeted with a smile that soon falters when we ask for a table for four adults and six children!
All in all a wonderful day with great friends. It's days like these I wish would never end :o)

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