Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

A rose by any other name.....

We had a lovely turn out at our Twins at Totstime Play session this morning. One of my lifelong friends came along to help me and has agreed to be a regular Mummy helper :o)
The girls are all a little exhausted from the weekend (as am I), and have been a little grumpy and whingy.
I made lunch for R,P & Aj when we got home; R&P hardly ate any of it, they were both asking for bed! We agreed to watch a DVD on the settee. It's so hard to stop them from sleeping in the day, but I have to, to be sure that they'll sleep in the evening! Ruby fell asleep for 45 minutes on the settee, whilst Penny was too engrossed in the DVD.
DM went swimming straight after school and then had our neighbours daughter round to play for half an hour. DM did really well with her swimming, considering she's not been swimming since July!
Penny finally succumbed to her need for sleep at 4.45pm. I know it's really harsh but I only let her have 20 minutes. I needed her to have enough sleep to rest the screamer in her, but not enough to charge mischief in her. She wasn't happy when I woke her; however, thankfully they were all in bed, asleep buy 7.15pm :o)
Aside from entertaining the girls and responding to their every needs, I have attempted to make a dent in my ever growing ironing pile. I'm happy to say I've cleared 3 baskets :o) yay me! Just another umpteen to go :o(
R&P have got another Playschool session tomorrow so I've been casually talking to them both about it, in a hope that Ruby doesn't get so upset. Fingers crossed.

My photo today is of a rose from a beautiful bunch of flowers I have been given for organising my friends 40th last month. They are absolutely beautiful! Thank you Anne xxxx

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