Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Our walk today was to Braidburn Valley Park. We do like it there - there's a concrete path the whole way, so no need to get muddy feet, there are plenty of bins and benches, and usually plenty of dogs too.

Archie likes it there because he can go down to the burn and get a drink whenever he wants. And he can gambol amongst the daffodils.

We met a pure white schnauzer and a black one (same owner). Funnily enough, they didn't play with Archie - bang goes that theory that schnauzers recognise each other and want to play.

I got the bus back home while JR and Archie walked the whole way. I'd love to be able to walk that far, but that's a long way off.

JR then went into town to a) return the two items she brought for me and b) pick up the item the shop had to order for her.

Elizabeth, who had had a relaxing weekend at Stobo Castle was eager to see Archie, so came for him in the afternoon. He was delighted!

Rather sad news this morning - Murray Ball died yesterday. He was a legend in New Zealand, the creator of the iconic 'Footrot Flats' cartoon strip, and many in the UK will remember him, as he was a cartoonist for Punch. He was a neighbour of ours in Gisborne and we met him many times at social events.

During the South Africa Rugby tour of New Zealand in 1981, the first game was in Gisborne. I went along to take photos (JR went along to demonstrate) and it proved to be rather more exciting than anyone had anticipated - police in riot gear with long batons had not been seen in NZ before. The demonstrators wanted to stop the game, but the riot police were out in force. I gave Murray a photo of the demonstrators in action (including him) many years later. Heady days!

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