How low can you go?

My train got in ever so slightly early this morning, and I knew it was low tide, so I nipped down to the river to get a few shots underneath Cannon Street rail bridge.  I hadn't realised quite how low the tide was - never seen it quite so far out before.  The mudlarkers were out in full force but seemed to scurry off after I went down the steps - perhaps they were guarding their finds from me!

Took a ton of photos - lots of which I am rather happy with - and then carried on to work.  Another busy day - just seem to have so much to do at the moment!  At least I escaped the auditors today - I know they're going to want to see me soon, but not today it appears.

Poor Tim managed to shear the deraileur off his bike this evening by cycling over a stick.  Thankfully he was fine, but his bike very much was not.  He spent all evening inspecting it and taking it apart, and will borrow mine tomorrow while he works out which bits and pieces he needs to replace. 

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