Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Abstract of La Illa Complex

Haircut this morning and I left with slightly different highlighting finish that I hadn't asked for, but hey ho, in the great scheme of things I can live with it. I might even end up preferring it. With some Egyptian sun on the way it won't be noticed for long. Did some online Aptis testing to get some hours under my belt before my next course starts. Made soup to use up the veg and an apple and strawberry crumble to use up that fruit and, voila, dinner! Little fridge under the stairs defrosting as I type. Main fridge cleaned out. Skype call with my co-tutor about the forthcoming course. Flower vases emptied. And before I knew it, it was evening. I took this abstract of a detail of La Illa shopping centre as Bb and I had a walk before dinner.

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