
By Bigdreamer

A bit of dirt, no worries

After a big fathers day girls were a bit tired and fell asleep fairly quickly and easy, their wasn't the usually 100 questions before bed. They were up nice and early again to see what the fairies had bought them for the flower ring and flower soup they had made yesterday. I had forgot about all about it, and after seeing their excited faces looking out the window, I had to sneak out and place a chocolate under the tree for them, It had them all dressed and ready well and turelly before school time. Bailee was happy to see the chocolates but disappointed they didn't eat the strawberries she had left for them, something I had overlooked when I had run out and place the chocolates under the tree, I told her they were properly full they will come back tomorrow for them. I think she seemed happy with this.

As soon as Bailee got home it was straight out in to the garden to make more fairy soup!!, they spent hours picking making and cooking this brew. Here is Miss Bailee with dirt all over her face, make believe fairy dust you know! or Lara was calling it salt.

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