Slow blip day

At 6.30pm I was calling in at a garage to pick up bread and still hadn't a blip for today. Can't you tell when it's likely to be a bit of a challenge to find a blip? Today was one such day as will, I suspect tomorrow. But that's the great thing, you never know where a blip might appear from.

The morning didn't pan out as we expected; Susan was away with her car having recall problems fixed far longer than we we expected which ruled out a walk in the morning prior to an appointment in the early afternoon at the end of which it was time for me to go to a Governors meeting.

Just two more meetings to go til I end my 8 year stint as a Governor, plus a few other appointments to fulfil. We're wondering when the dreaded Ofsted will descend as we're now two years since the last visit. Needs to come sooner rather than later.

Spoke to our granddaughter Miya on the phone after dinner, it was her 10th birthday yesterday. She sounded so grown up and confident and we enjoyed a very pleasant conversation with her.

We did manage to squeeze in a walk getting back home at at 9.45pm to end a full day, but not a day that went entirely to plan.

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