Life In Wales

By KarenC

Before the Fog

It's been like a summer's day today and I didn't need my coat at lunchtime when I met Barbs at the beach.  There were a couple of people swimming in the sea, but I bet it was cold!

Then on my way home it was like a summer's evening, the beach was packed, the sea was like a lake and there were paddle boarders out  enjoying it.  I couldn't stop to take a photo as I was driving.

Alan's been working from home today and he'd opened up the Palace to air it out - as you can see the weather was glorious when I got home, but look at my extra to see the change within 30 minutes!  The fog was rolling in from the sea, and another 30 minutes on and it's clearing again.  Very strange weather!

I'm now sat in the Palace with the boys while Alan mows the lawn for the first time this year, it had really grown while we were away.

Our exciting news of the day is that we've just booked flights to Nice in July with Alan's air miles - we just need to find somewhere to stay now!

I'm still getting comments on Mondays sunset and it's currently on the first 'Popular' page, so thank you once again, I'm glad you liked it!

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