
Well thank you all for the warm response to my lacewing blip. Insects are not always popular so I was especially pleased. Thank you also to all those who had an opinion on my faffing the previous day too. It seems the consensus is that faffing is ok. I think, because I'm a fan of the natural world and my blips are often of nature, overall I prefer realism but then again there are always exceptions!

Today's blip was another gift. I was working at the computer when a fluttering outside the window caught my eye and I watched as it settled on one of my owl sculptures. Quick, grab the camera and run outside! This beautiful Comma obligingly moved to a leaf which set off its colours better. Blip done.

This will be an adult that's hibernated over winter. The female will lay eggs singly on leaves of nettles, hops, elm, gooseberry & redcurrant. I have the last two in my garden and nettles on the bank at the back so I shall be looking out for caterpillars with black and orangey-red bands and a second set of butterflies June to October.

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