Lá Fhéile Pádraig

Just back from a somewhat soggy Paddy's Day Parade in Ballydehob. Nonetheless St Patrick put in an appearance, the snakes were banished, the leprechauns were out in force and the scones were green. if you want to know a bit more about St Patrick make yourself a cuppa and read this hilarious but historically accurate account: 17 things you probably didnt know about the great man. Be warned, he doesn't hold back and I'm still contemplating the hairy pagan man nipples. You may not know this but apparently it was customary in Celtic Ireland (not sure you can use Celtic anymore but you know what I mean) it was customary for the subjects to suck the chief's nipples as a sign of respect and submission. Another thing you may not know is that a chief had to be physically perfect. Now here's the interesting thing - a fairly recent Irish bog body discovery and the poor man had had his nipples sliced - was he a chief, who for some reason was blemished and no longer able to rule so his nipples had been severed?  You see how my mind works - frightening!! I blame the green scones - spirulina (incredibly good for you apparently).
Ps Himself's shamrock suit - already nabbed and being worn by someone at Cheltenham races
PPS and yesterday's blip was a row of lobster pots - well done those who correctly identified them.

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