Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

In Deli Delice at 2.30 pm, whither I repaired after minding The Berber Shop while Aziz went to the mosque.

The proprietors blamed the weather which had turned cold, cloudy and rainy after the last few days hinting at balmy Spring.

More customers did come in while I was eating my GF toastie.

No Basil with me today. Len had come into Loughborough and rescued him  to go for a walk. Except they'd only just started the walk as I drove up Fairway Road near home.

Feeling a bit sorry for myself with the dodgy knee. Then I discovered that by making bigger strides in my new Skecher shoes I felt more comfortable.

Aziz much prefers my Burano photos to my shots of Venice proper. Perhaps the inspiration shows.

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