Tudor Rose

By TudorRose

Guess where I've been...

Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside
I do like to be beside the sea!
I do like to stroll upon the Prom, Prom, Prom!
Where the brass bands play:
So just let me be beside the seaside
I'll be beside myself with glee

And there's lots of girls beside,
I should like to be beside
Beside the seaside!
Beside the sea!

Yes you've guessed it... Blackpool! Here is the iconic tower, it needs no introduction. Out with my two boys and my lovely mummy and daddy. The sun shone down on us all and we had a fantastic time.

D "Wish You Were There

Word for today;
Brobdingnagian - Of huge size; Gigantic Tremendous What a mouthful that is!

Took a couple more, have a gander here... Folio Blackpool

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