Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

The medium is the message

The job application I worked so hard on a few weeks ago came to nothing (pah!) and I hadn't seen anything else to apply for since. Then today, like buses, three potential jobs came along at once!

I'm not sure any of them are exactly right and I may not even apply for all of them once I've had a chance to look through the details properly but who knows when other opportunities may arise? That being the case, I really think I should go for at least a couple of them.

So... I'm going to have to knuckle down over the next week or so and concentrate on marketing myself as the sort of 'cool stuff' that no employer should be without!

I'm afraid that means I'll have to cut down on comments for a while but I'll be back as soon as I can and will post pictures in the meantime - if I take any halfway decent ones!

See you on the other side comrades! Love to all!

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