Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

Dumbarton Buildings - Central Station

A wee departure for me - a week long set of Blips of buildings in Dumbarton that have significance for me.

First up is Dumbarton Central Railway Station.

The shot is of the (now) entrance passage way to the ticket office. I was there today to purchase a week long pass for my wife who is working in Glasgow for the week.

In times gone by, this station used to hold a great fear for me. well, maybe fear is too strong a word - but I used to hate the place.

I spent one whole year using it to travel to my place of work as an apprentice. 

I had to walk there from my parent's house - a good 1.5 miles away - and home again. Does not sound too bad reading that last sentence back, but, trust me, it was hell. Hated every step.

Still, made a man of me, apparently.

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