It's almost inevitable that ....

... on "Free Coffee Day" we'll be at one, or another, of two local garden centres.
It seems, equally, inevitable that at least one, if not 2-3 of us, will home in on flowers.
In a similar vein it is just as inevitable for me to think 
"Alice would have loved that one."

I had not realised how ingrained our choices were until, at day's end I realised I was left with the following choices:-
1. An Orchid from home.
2. A member of the compositae. - Macro.
3. a. & b. Different shots of a Saxifrage - "Alpino early Lime".
4. A curious, new to me, Primula with up-curved petal edges, which I might have Christened "Marmalade". Spoilt by proximity of too many of its colleagues.

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