George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


Well, you'll never guess what's been happening to me!!  No you won't, not ever.

They did go away - not for one or two hours - not even for 4 hours.  But for 6 WHOLE DAYS.  SHE did take me to Aunty Wendy's without so much as a "by your leave" or "thank you", and SHE did go away.  and I thought my world had come to an end .  Yes I did.

And today, just when me and Aunty Wendy did come back from our walk, I did hear a voice, and I did look up, and who should I see, but HIM and HER standing at the front door.  I could hardly believe my eyes.
I did belt into the garden like the clappers, and I did do so many 360's I lost count.  And we did go inside and Aunty Wendy did make them a cup of tea, and after I said hello to EVERYONE, I did sit on her lap, and I did not leave her - you can depend on that.

And HE did drive home, and I did sit on her lap and I could not wipe the smile off my face.  No, I could not.

Oh, I is SOOOOOOOOOOO happy.

Even though Raj is squawking his head off and driving everybody crackers.

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