George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


Well, I didn't feel like it did I?

I say, thank you all ever so much for the lovely comments you left about the Raj Rescue.  THEY are still very pleased with me, but I haven't taken advantage - no I have not.

Raj is very unsettled, but I told him - I said you're not suited to the great outdoors.  It's a big place and you're a small cat, so just suck it up sunshine.  He wasn't impressed.

They wented to a place called the beach this morning, but I didn't get to go.  But we did go for a walk in the Park this afternoon, but there were too many small people there, and I don't care for small people all that much.  They shriek.  Makes my ears hurt.

Maybe one day I can go to the beach.  SHE said I'd be scared witless, but I'm a brave dog, and I can cope.  Probably.

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