
By HareBrain

The Hole in the Ground

Well, our Council have contracted a Company to come and landscape the area near to our offices, so when I came to work this morning there was an orchestra of pneumatic drills and ground breaking equipment which is digging up all the excellent work the Council did to our town some 20 years ago ? and there are men at work (well, between several sarnie, tea and fag breaks, a lot of) more than we have in a month really!!. As I happened to pass an upstairs window I saw one of the workmen flat on his stomach looking down this hole - sadly I was too late to grab the camera but the 'the hole in the ground' reminded me of Bernard Cribbins who had a chart topper with this song in 1962!!!! the start of which went like this.....

There I was a-digging this hole
Hole in the ground, so big and sort of
round square it was
and there was I, diggin it deep
It was flat at the bottom and the sides were steep
When along comes this bloke in a bowler hard hat
Which he lifted and scratched his head
Well he looked down the hole, poor
demented soul and he said ...........

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