In the Spring Garden

A mixed day that threw nearly everything at us, rain,sleet ,wind and sun. 
My birthday so I opened cards and presents this morning. Mike bought me a plot in the Wildcat Haven. I'm already a Lady of Caithness, my Brother bought me a plot before we moved up to Scotland and I can now go by the name of Lady Karen ... , Lady of Wildernesse. It all sounds very grand, I can change my credit cards , Bank accounts etc and can wear the Wildcat haven Tartan. Okay there's not alot I can do with my one square foot of land but it raises money for the charity.
I've also heard back from the wild cat sighting team after I sent in some photos of the cat that was in the garden last week. The response was 'you have yourself a hybrid cat '  :)

We did go out for a drive at lunchtime, down to the point and a long to Avoch. Saw a red legged partridge and huge snow clouds over the Point with a few rainbows.

I also looked through some old photos/slides and came across one of me on my third birthday.

The pheasants are in the garden everyday now , two males with just one venturing over the fence and four females who like to hide in the flowerbed, making me jump as much as them when I go outside and they take off in a flap.

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