Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Full O' Beans!

Loki and Corra wrasslin' on our evening walk (though, truth be told, I was enjoying their romp so much we didn't really walk very much!) I have no idea what got into Loki this evening, but he was wicked playful. The two of them were taking turns playing with a bag I had brought with me. Corra would run off with it and Loki would chase her :3 Always makes my heart swell when I see Loki acting super happy.

Mr. Badger, the dogs and I all headed down to the park this morning for a walk. I was feeling stir crazy and just needed to get out! I still hadn't charged my battery ... so no pics of the park. It was beautiful out however and the park was full of walkers :) We grabbed some breakfast, did a few errands and grocery shopping. Good thing, because our cabinets were very empty! Back to work tomorrow. The second best part of a 3 day weekend is that now we only have a 4 day week! The gift that keeps on giving <3

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