Pastis and Pasta

Last weekend C finally finished the bottle of pastis that our son and daughter-in-law bought for him when they visited the south of France last year during their trip over here from Taiwan. He enjoys a pastis with water now and then, usually on a Sunday evening before dinner. 
The bottle is so attractive that I haven't yet thrown it out, awaiting some brainwave that will tell me what I could do with it (politely of course). 
Don't think that you're imagining that there are lots of twigs and bits and pieces in the bottle - there are twiggy herbs and "botanicals" inside. It also came sealed with sealing wax and decorated with a sprig of licorice (the plant not the processed sweet). 
The pasta in the foreground? That is now ex-pasta. We've just enjoyed it with a  Bolognese sauce. 

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