From Cork to Rhumhi with love

21th March 2017:
This is another pump in the Rhumpi area. They look happy and are happy to have clean water, close to home for the first time in their lives.
They sang to praise God for the gift, and prayed for more pumps in there area for more poor people like themselves. (what a lovely thought)

District:  Rhumpi
Area:  Chirambo
Village:  Mulyenginda
Distance from factory:  77 km
Depth of well:  13.4 meters
Former water source:  open well
Furthest from well:  350 meters
Number served:  101 families
Preschool: 5 mins
Primary school:  20 mins
Secondary school: 20 mins
S: 10 58 10
E: 33 42 08
Patrick Kitira: 088 4949792
Bon Secours Community, Cork, Ireland
Pump Number


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